
As a volunteer at a Bethel Park Next Generation event, it is important and expected that you participate and cooperate with the program and activities as laid out by the camp director and lead team. During the event, you will have many opportunities to share, listen, pray, and hang out with young people. Please begin to pray for these opportunities now; they can help change a person’s life.

policy and procedures manual

All staff and potential staff must read the staff policy and procedures manual.

You can find the manual here.

It is recommended that you read this before applying. At the end of the staff application form (below), you must agree to reading this manual and taking any and all necessary action.

Submission of a volunteer application form does not imply automatic acceptance. All forms will be thoroughly read and staff will be vetted to ensure a smooth and safe environment for our campers. Please await a reply via email regarding your acceptance as a volunteer staff.


Please complete the form below