First Name
Last Name
Birth Date:
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Home Church:
Email Address:
Cell Phone Number (including area code)
I fully agree, believe, and abide by the statement of fundamental beliefs of the PAOC
The PAOC statement of fundamental beliefs can be accessed here
I have a relationship with Jesus Christ and know that my salvation is real, and can explain to another person how to have a relationship with Jesus Christ
I have been following Christ for the the following number of years consecutively
I have been baptized in water
I have been baptized in the Holy Spirit according to Act 2:4
"And everyone present was filled with the Holy Spirit and began speaking in other languages, as the Holy Spirit gave them this ability." (Acts 2:4 NLT)
I attend church regularly (80% of the time or more)
Do you have any medical conditions that could affect your participation as a volunteer? If yes, please explain below.
Please list any medications that you are on. This is for your safety and the benefit of the campers.
To the best of your knowledge, have you ever been investigated by Children's Aid Society and/or Family and Children Services?
Have you been convicted of a criminal offense? If yes, please explain below:
I am presently involved (volunteering in some way not just attending) with the following areas of ministry:
If you have a skill that you think might be useful during this week please let us know: (i.e. sound technical skills, musician, bus license, etc.):
Please write a BRIEF autobiography. Include such details as your family, personal interests, hobbies, and your career and educational aspirations.
Briefly describe how you came to know and follow Jesus Christ:
Name two of the most influential leaders in your own life and state why.
How are you currently growing in your Christian life? How does this manifest itself in daily life?
Asking questions is an incredible means for growth. What questions are you asking about your faith right now, that can give us an indicator for your growth?
Please tell us about previous leadership experiences you have had with groups of children, youth, and/or people your own age.
A) What roles did you fulfill?
B) What did you enjoy most?
C) What struggles did you face and how were they overcome?
D) How did you grow in your walk with God through these experiences?
Do you have any skills that you would be comfortable leading a workshop in?
What excites you most about this camp ministry opportunity? What fears do you have?
What is your desire for the students this week? What do you hope they will get out of this week at camp?
What do you plan on doing, while at camp, in order to maintain spiritual, physical, and mental health?
You will...
Need accommodations supplied by Bethel Park Youth Camp
Stay in a privately owned cabin (and I confirm that I have already received permission from the cabin owner to use this cabin)
If you are staying in a privately owned cabin, please provide the address of said cabin.
T-shirt size
Statement of Agreement
I will support the leadership of BP Next Gen by...
- resisting to allow criticism of leadership
- speaking positively about leadership directives
- being supportive of all camp activities
- being willing to adapt to any schedule changes that need to be made
- approaching the leadership when a conflict occurs
I will treat being a counsellor at BP Next Gen as a ministry by...
- being an appropriate spiritual example at all times
- focusing on the camper over social activities with peers
- continuously praying for leadership, fellow counsellors and all campers
- complying with the modest dress code
- making sure personal relationships do not take priority over my responsibilities to the campers and the leadership team
I agree
Read the following carefully.
At the top of this page there is a link to our new Staff Policy and Procedure Manual. It is a 28 page document that MUST be read by all staff before the start of camp. We understand that this is a long read, however it is important and mandatory for this to be read as it exists for the safety of our campers and to protect you, our staff.
Appendix B, on page 22, has a declaration that you need to print, sign, and submit by July 31. These can be submitted by hand to Simon Weresch, Jordan Kimmerle, Jahvon Baccas, or Kira Fifield. Alternatively, they can be mailed to:
Warden Full Gospel Assembly
Attn: Kira Fifield
2210 Warden Avenue
Scarborough, ON
M1T 1V6
Additionally, as a volunteer working with children and/or youth under the age of 18, you must do a vulnerable sector check with the police department of the city/town/region that you live. Many jurisdictions will do Volunteer Vulnerable Sector Checks for free, however some jurisdictions have a cost. (Please note that volunteer vulnerable sector checks are cheaper than job vulnerable sector checks. This is the one you should do.) You must take action to do this ASAP, as some jurisdictions take up to (and sometimes more than) 5 weeks to get this done. (IF YOUR JURISDICTION REQUIRES A FEE, PLEASE KEEP YOUR RECEIPT TO BE SUBMITTED TO BPNG ADMIN FOR REIMBURSEMENT.)
I have read these instructions carefully.
I understand that I must open and read the Staff Policy and Procedure Manual in its entirety, and that I must submit the Volunteer Declaration (Appendix B) by July 31, 2019.
I understand and agree to take action as soon as possible.
Upon acceptance as a volunteer staff, I understand that I must, and agree that I will, take action as soon as possible to get my Volunteer Vulnerable Sector Check done and that failure to do so will result in a loss in my eligibility to be a BPNG staff for Youth Camp 2019.
I understand and agree to take action as soon as possible.